Thursday, July 29, 2010

Human Race

Have you ever questioned the little boxes that we check that say what nationality we are? Caucasian? African-American? etc...

Why is it that we are defined by where or within what skin color we are born in? Why is it that "race" is a question? I have been pondering this for a while now... why is it that we are not just one race? The "human race"? Wouldn't that make more sense?

The more we differentiate one another with these definitions are we not just causing more differentiation among one another? I believe so. As I talk to my children, I find myself saying more and more that that "person" is just human and part of the human race not black, white, Asian or otherwise. I want my children to see no color; no religion; no difference.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to just check one box on all the forms we are obligated to fill? Check the box that just says "human race"; and then to work on what humanity's definition should be - humanity, the world, should view itself as one; with one cause - the survival of all...the earth, the people that occupy this earth, and the nature that sustains us all.

Such an ideal dream, but I fear we are so far from seeing this dream. It makes me ponder, even sad, as I work to teach my children one thing and see the world fight to maintain their different ethnic differentiations. If, and only if, we could see that the earth houses all of us and that we are all are equal...what a thought! Radical? Maybe...but I don't think so...or am I just being an idealist?

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About Me

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I am a mother to four beautiful children who have taught me more than I believe I have taught them; they have also been the inspiration to the products I have developed to help pregnant and nursing moms.