Monday, June 28, 2010

Miss Me?

It's been at least two weeks since my last post and not because I haven't wanted to write, but ever felt debilitated by your circumstances. I am not talking necessarily bad situations...

I took a "little" trip with my children (no husband - who would have been considered one of my children as well so thank God he wasn't along because 4 was all I could handle) to France. A sort of "let's explore and learn" homeschooling sort of trip. Well, my expectations and my reality were two very VERY different things. What did I learn? Not to expect and to still appreciate what I learned!

The children explored the countryside and enjoyed themselves and my efforts in trying to show them more was only thwarted by their lack of desire. I had to put my desires aside and just "go with the flow." Not a natural feeling for a perfectionist and in essence a wonderful thing to learn and try to overcome. I have to admit that no internet connectivity drove me over the edge and then some!

On the other hand, no internet connectivity taught me to slow down, watch the children, absorb my surroundings and feel where I was. The experiencing of the now to the nth degree. No planning per say, but the sheer "well, what shall we do today!" I learned to practice my broken French and yet be understood; I learned to jump into cold water and play with the children; I enjoyed French wine and cheeses that left me wishing for more.

You know why the French stay so alive? They live, they taste - not just food, wine, etc...they taste life to the fullest! A lesson so worth learning!

Well dear readers, as few or as many as you may be...I missed you. I missed sharing my thoughts and heart with you! But let me end on this and live well; take the time to savor your food, your drinks, your children, your loved ones...your life! The French do! On the flip side, if you choose to drive in France, fully insure yourself against all and any potential accidents! I have never been beeped at as much as I was there...and it wasn't because I looked "good" behind the wheel - it was because I couldn't keep up and they had no patience for my cautiousness. They threw care to the wind and let it blow through their hairs! Last few days there, I learned to do the same. You know what? It felt GREAT!

On that note...joie de vivre (joy of living; enjoyment of life; ebullience)!

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About Me

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I am a mother to four beautiful children who have taught me more than I believe I have taught them; they have also been the inspiration to the products I have developed to help pregnant and nursing moms.