Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ever Thought?

I have to apologize but the "ants", I mean installers, gave me such a migraine yesterday that I went to bed in shear exhaustion last night. As soon as they left for the day, I started cleaning so that my children would have a bed to sleep in...migraine and all...I got two bedrooms cleaned and ready for them to sleep in; I figured, everyone would double or even triple up for the night!

Remember the "rooster" that hadn't fulfilled her morning obligations? Well, this morning, she did an "amazing" job; she started crowing by saying, "everyone get your ass out of bed!" Where in God's name did she learn that? I woke up half glad she had gotten us up in time; half appalled that at 3 1/2 I had raised such an ill mannered young girl. I mean goodness gracious, I don't use the word "ass"!!! or do I? I'm going to have to start minding my manners/mouth around her, but controlling the older siblings and even the husband is another discussion!

Anyways, anyone who has hardwood floors installed will empathize...dust enters ever crevice of everything you own. I swear, there was dust even in my eardrums! As I mentioned in my last entry, the pounding may be rhythmic but it is deafening. Well, today was our last day...and although, I had grown quite fond of my "whistling while they work" workers, I have to admit that it was time for everyone to clear out. I was getting that "itch" to clean and get my life back in order. I can not work or think in chaos; and my definition of chaos may be different from others. Meaning, I can take on a lot from work to the children to life in general, but a house or work space in disarray will throw me so off balance that I don't know where to begin. I need clarity of space to have clarity of mind.

So tonight, after literally 6 hours of nonstop cleaning, I feel like I have 90% of my home in order; the perfectionist in me is quitting for the night and reserving some energy for tomorrow!

I wanted to write tonight, however, to share a thought...have you ever thought how there is no difference between us as humans? Meaning, if you show respect you get it; if you show disregard you get that. I shook hands with the workers as they left today and did a final walk through and thought to gracious these workers had been. They had worked hard and respected my home as their own...and I believe that was because on day one, I had shook each of their hands and every moment thereafter treated them as guests in my home as opposed to workers.

Human beings thrive on the compassion that we show one another; we grow from it and flourish. When we all realize that being humane is part of being human then I believe humanity can be saved.

I won't get too philosophical, but as my "tree roots grow" I am amazed how much "they" are experiencing and learning.

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About Me

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I am a mother to four beautiful children who have taught me more than I believe I have taught them; they have also been the inspiration to the products I have developed to help pregnant and nursing moms.