Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm actually "blogging"

For months now, I have been saying my life could be a book...not a best-seller, but definitely a book that would be worth at least paging through; it would make most women feel less alone knowing that there are other moms out there trying to make it through rather challenging, endless days! But why write now? I think it is because I need a voice that is mine; expressed without hesitation and to ears that are older than the age of 12!

At 44, I am starting to wonder if the things I have set out to do in life were for me, the children, my spouse, extended family, friends, strangers...for whom? for what? I've invented products based out of my own needs and necessities in hopes that it would help other women. I sincerely believe all women need to care for one another and nurture each others' souls; it can get drained and depleted so easily. On the other hand, I firmly believe that women have the strongest spirits and the most resilient souls; they can touch the core of those they willingly reach out. We are amazing beings with endless capacities - given the chance!

So why write now and not 6 years ago, when I had started my company and was trying to raise 3 more child came along shortly thereafter! Why now, when not only am I trying to make women aware of the wonders of nursing, but also the ability to persevere; or for ensuring pregnant women's comfort and support in a manner never seen before, but also while I've undertaken the task of home schooling my children?

Maybe, as I said earlier, writing would give me a form of expression that would otherwise be absent.

I want to continue to share my journey's to date with you, but I want to end on this note for now. A few days ago, I was struck by a thought as I worried about the children, their education, my business, our family's debts - everything everyone else worries about as well.

A tree never worries. Ever thought of that? It grounds its roots deep into the ground; lifts its branches to the skies; never asks "God, please let it rain." It just exists; not expecting or wanting; not worrying or in my deepest moments of thought and worries, I say to myself, "Anita, dig your roots deep and open your arms to all that is around you; be like a tree that expects nothing and yet freely receives what is meant to be."

On that note and until we "talk" again, be at peace and be a tree knowing you can be resilient, deep rooted and with arms [branches] open wide to embrace the world.

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About Me

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I am a mother to four beautiful children who have taught me more than I believe I have taught them; they have also been the inspiration to the products I have developed to help pregnant and nursing moms.