Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What an Amazing Way to "Talk"...Just Blog your feelings

Remember the days when you would make fun of your mother for saying things that were old fashioned or just plain not "cool"? I see myself as a young mom with lots to offer, but today was an enlightening day on many fronts. I repeatedly called my daughter's ipod a "walkman"... remember those things? I felt so cool with it attached to my waist. Faux pas number 1 (by the way, not the first time I've called those things a "Walkman"). Faux pas number 2, I caught myself licking my thumb to remove a stain off my son's face - you should have seen how grossed how he looked (smiling now, but horrified that his own mother's saliva would cause him such angst). Faux pas number 3, or at least in the eyes of my children, counting my change so I could pay for something without having to break a $5 bill; my reasoning, which is valid, is that coins were taking up too much space...my children, however, looked at the long line behind me and were hoping their mother's ability to count would either speed up or that she'd quit and hand the cashier a $5 bill. Meanwhile, I'm just smiling and adding up my pennies, nickles, dimes and quarters to pay for the drinks, but constantly having to call the kids back so I wouldn't lose them; little did I know they were trying to run away from embarrassment.

So what did I learn today? Shame on me for making fun of my mother's accent, mispronunciations and daily faux pas; but above all, I learned to laugh about how cyclical life really is. We get what we dished out...although, I think my sister doesn't get her fair share of what she "dished out" in our youths to our parents - and yet she is my best friend, the one who makes me laugh, and my business partner. My mom, she too, laughs with us as we recall funny moments. Like when, my sister and I were both misbehaving, and she said, "you girls are skating on skinny ice!" God, did we laugh at her and ignore the repercussions of doing so.

So in this quiet moment when all the children are in their beds, I am reminiscing on this day. I am laughing about parts of it; concerned about academic goals that weren't meet; feeling relatively at peace about business goals that were achieved for Utterly Yours and thinking to myself that faux pas are part of life - if you don't make them, first, who's going to laugh and second, how are we supposed to learn?

Be a tree...root yourself deeply and spread your branches to embrace it ALL!

1 comment:

  1. Honey thanks for calling me Price Charming (That I am ;))... But kidding aside, I had to wait inthe house to take princess Neilly to her day school yesterday and listening to the bangs of theinstallers for 30 minutes, had my head spinning!!! So I called Anita annd asked hernot stay home as much as possible!! But I doubt my neat feak even listened to me!

    But in a few days, when the dust is settled and the house is cleaned and she got her wish of having no carpet, all this will be forgotten and I have to move on to the next wish/honey do of my love!!

    By the way all my wishes of getting a much lighter wood to having white risers on the steps were vetoed by her!! And I went along since this was I & Uncles Sam's gift to her!!!



About Me

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I am a mother to four beautiful children who have taught me more than I believe I have taught them; they have also been the inspiration to the products I have developed to help pregnant and nursing moms.