Sunday, May 23, 2010

Another Sunday

Where did the week go? Isn't that the truth of time whether it be a second, minute, hour, day or week...and even to go further than that a month or even a year. I see the passage of time not by looking in the mirror, to vain I guess to do so (joking of course), but in the growth of my children. How did my eldest get to be 12 so soon and my 3 year old is already talking about her birthday in June..."you must not forget the presents mommy!" I already have her "list" although what it says would take a highly skilled scholar to decipher because to me it looks like lines of scribbles...beautiful - yes, colorful - yes, creative - yes, readable - no! So I have had to very diplomatically ask her what each line means as she looks at me incredulously like "what do you mean you can't read this." Oh and the list, it's not just one page long. I believe I will need to have a fundraiser of sorts to meet this ones demands!

As I think ahead to her birthday, I have mixed feelings. I am so pleased to see the children grow, learn, develope their own personalities; I feel blessed that they are healthy...could do a bit without all their debating, but what can you do...I taught them how to speak?! I had to pause for a moment, I had one of those "life passing before my eyes" moments...although mine wasn't the kind you have just before was more like "how the heck did I survive ALL that and thank God I've made it this far!" Children need oh so much more than just food and clothes; there's love, attention, stimulation of the mind and body, adventures with their "peers"'s true children do not come with manuals and unfortunately, upon giving birth you are practically "kicked" out of the hospital after barely even healing. Forget the "Child Raising Manual", I was just glad they let me attempt to shower before leaving! I guess once your bowels have a movement then it is "A - OK to leave!" That's the requirement you know...a bowel movement and going pee. God, I felt sorry for the women who had a c-sections; sure they got the extra day, but how could anyone think that after a major surgery, the arrival of a new life, the challenges of would be ready to leave in 3 days!

Next time I give birth, I am going to The Netherlands! That's it, my mind's made up...Oh wait, I can't have more children...forgot...oh, Well, next time you all have children...go to the The Netherlands! There pregnancy, breast feeding, giving birth are respected...maybe not revered, but darn close; and women are treated with such care as to ensure their healing. I think that is true of much of Europe - or at least that is what I have been led to believe and have read.

Anyways, what was it I was saying...Oh, yes, the passage of time. It goes by fast, but to be present in this moment and in the present moment of those you love...keeps you grounded; keeps you centered and focused; and above all else helps you nurture and nourish not only those you love, but yourself as well.

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About Me

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I am a mother to four beautiful children who have taught me more than I believe I have taught them; they have also been the inspiration to the products I have developed to help pregnant and nursing moms.