Thursday, May 13, 2010

Nursing Part 2

So my sister, who you will recall is my business partner, and probably the only follower of my blog sends me an email saying "did you really sit on a toilet? Hey, check out these articles I found on other women with issues while trying to nurse in public!" Is she really my business partner?! Granted she has no [perceivable] breasts and at every conference, I'm the one doing the demo on the breast pillow, but did she really not realize how hard it has been for women to breastfeed in public with out being subconscious.

I should put my kidding aside and say that she has one son that she gave birth to very prematurely and we are so blessed to have him in our lives. She had to pump to feed him for several months and although, she got brief glimpses into the joy of breastfeeding, her son's issues didn't allow for her to continue for as long as she wanted for him to continue. Thankfully, he is fine, but I know that she, my sister, went through a lot of guilt and pain as she watched her premature son struggle for life. Now, he is the light of everyone's life...and you would never guess for one instant that he had been born prematurely! He can out calculate you in math and I don't care how old you are; he can out read you and again, I don't care how old you are!" We call him our "little genius" even when he tries her patience to the nth degree (he even knows what that is...God help us all)!

Anyways, back to the original topic. She sends me these links and I'm thinking to myself...did she not read my blog (I am already quite aware of these things) or was she trying to rile me up to have me head towards Capitol Hill in Washington, DC (I live only 2o minutes away) and fight for all womens' right to breastfeed in public?! God only knows how many times I have wished I could do that...head towards Capitol Hill with thousands of women behind me breastfeeding as we marched!

Someday... and even if that day doesn't come soon, I can tell you for sure what is coming - consciousness. We, as humans, I believe and pray are becoming more conscious of not just our planet, but our people and our lives. Breastfeeding is one part of that picture and to me, the first piece in an amazing puzzle that will depict mankind's future! So breastfeeding ladies everywhere - persevere, never fear to ask questions, and nurse wherever you feel comfortable; and please ladies, when I plan my march...don't forget to join me!

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About Me

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I am a mother to four beautiful children who have taught me more than I believe I have taught them; they have also been the inspiration to the products I have developed to help pregnant and nursing moms.